Come on, now even our Finnish friends are falling into shitty polemics?
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We like them or not, but in Washington, Helsinki, Paris or Madrid, it's time we gave a little peace to our elected officials when it...
Alain Lord Mounir
Aug 9, 2022
Spirulika, one of the solutions against malnutrition around the world?
If there is an effective remedy against malnutrition around the world, it is spirulina. This product, which some observers describe as...
Alain Lord Mounir
Mar 15, 2022
China’s stock market so far this week has seen some of the largest drops in recent memory. I have a sinking feeling again… a bad feeling...
Alain Lord Mounir
Feb 21, 2022
Dear President, Prime minister or any official around the world
Re: Early End of any measures As the founder of Dermathermes one of the world largest Medical Personal Equipment Device, i am writing...
Alain Lord Mounir
Feb 7, 2022
We Need a New Capitalism and We Need to close loopholes in the Equal Pay between Men & Women.
We Need a New Capitalism and We Need to close loopholes in the Equal Pay between Men & Women. The current system has led to profound...
Alain Lord Mounir
Nov 24, 2021
There are a billion reasons Elon Musk is not going to end world hunger!
There is no door number two for people who are living in poverty. The recent social media feud between tech billionaire Elon Musk and...
Alain Lord Mounir
Aug 2, 2021
Tokyo Olympics should be delayed, but it’s too late. Why? Too much money at stake
Sports amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been a strange thing to experience over the past 17 months. Games postponed, seasons...
Alain Lord Mounir
Jul 21, 2021
Could we use the benefits of photosynthesis to feed the world
If we corrected the flaws in photosynthesis this could definitely help increase the productivity of our most important crops. We all...
Alain Lord Mounir
Jul 15, 2021
The costs of long delays
Mody correctly takes a dim view of Outright Monetary Transactions, calling it a mere “promise” by Draghi of actions to support the...
Alain Lord Mounir
Jun 25, 2021
Business investment won’t save the day!
Economic forecasters exist to make astrologers look good, but I’ll hazard a guess. I expect the U.S. economy to sputter in 2016. That’s...
Alain Lord Mounir
Jun 3, 2021
Institutionalization of labor markets
“Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, new technologies in cotton textiles, iron and steel, and transportation delivered steadily rising...
Alain Lord Mounir
May 13, 2021
One Reason Workers Are Struggling Even When Companies Are Doing Well
As industries become more concentrated, businesses that are left spend less on their employees, and economists are trying to understand...
Alain Lord Mounir
Apr 28, 2021
Mapping Countries That Censor the Internet
A new app can test networks around the world for government interference. If you’re having trouble with your internet connection, one of...
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